Build your vacation rental website in minutes

With no technical skills required, you can showcase your property and attract more bookings with stunning imagery, customized descriptions, and convenient booking options.

Interested in early access?
Beautiful Countryside Cabin
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Traditional Icelandic Cottage
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Lakeside House in Canada
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Relax in the Woods
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Relax in the Woods
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Relax in the Woods
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Roadtrip of your life
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Relax in the Woods
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Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Relax in the Woods
Book now
Beautiful Countryside Cabin
Traditional Icelandic Cottage
Lakeside House in Canada
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Roadtrip of your life
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods
Relax in the Woods

What to expect from Getaway

Build a website

Easily build website for your listing

We're going to guide you through the whole process, where you'll provide the necessary information, text, pictures etc. After that, your page will be automatically built

Fast and SEO Friendly

Fast and SEO optimized page

Your site is optimized, cached and blazingly fast. We also make sure that all websites are SEO optimized and provide best experience for end users.

Made to be shared

Share your site on social media

We don't want you to bother with OpenGraph tags, Twitter cards or any of that stuff. We do all the heavy lifting for you, you just grab your website link and share anywhere you want.

Multiple booking options

Provide multiple booking options

If you manage your bookings on other platforms, you can provide links to those platforms on your page. You can also use a direct booking system provided by Getaway.

Booking System

Manage your bookings

Add, remove, or modify bookings and reservations easily. Save as much information about your host as possible, or none, it's up to you. Our booking system can be used to completely manage your bookings, or just to display available dates on your site.

Invoicing System

Create invoices for your customers

Create invoices, generate PDFs, send them to customers. Use our invoicing module to manage your invoices for bookings.

Anything unclear or missing?

Our goal is not to complicate your life, it is to make it easier. If there is anything unclear to you, or you think we are missing an important feature, please let us know at

Our Roadmap

Phase 1

Early Adopters Waitlist Launch

In order to deliver the best experience for our customers, we are launching a beta waitlist. This will allow us to test the product with a small group of users and get feedback before we launch to the public.

Phase 2

Property Builder & Manager Launch

This is a phase where we'll launch the Getaway Property Builder and Manager. This will allow users to create, publish, and manage their property website on Getaway.

Phase 3

Private Beta Launch

After we have the Property Builder & Manager ready, we'll be launching the public beta. This will allow us to get more feedback from early adopters and improve the product.

Private means that Getaway Property Manager will be accessible only for invited users. Any property website built by beta users will be able to be published and showcased online.

Phase 4

Booking Engine Launch

In this phase, we will launch the Booking Engine that will allow users to manage their bookings and reservations, as well as display avalibility on their site.

As of right now, we're not planning to enable payments through the booking system. If this is something you'd like to see, please let us know!

Phase 5

Invoicing Engine Launch

"We're truly planning to be the go to platform for any actions around your property management. In order to get closer to this, we'll be building invoicing engine, where you will be able to create and manage invoices for your customers."

Phase 6

Public Launch

This is the phase we all have been waiting for! After carefully going through the beta phase and development, Getaway will be launching live to the public.

Phase 7

Public Search Engine

Getaway is not only for you website creators, but also for your customers. We'll be launching a public search engine, where your customers will be able to find their next getaway home and book it directly from your website that you've launched with Getaway.

Phase 8, 9, 10...

We are an open book

We can't stress this enoug, but you, property owners, are the ones that will be using Getaway. We want to hear your feedback and build the product that you want and enjoy using. Going forward we'll be listening to your feedback and building the best Getaway for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Getaway is a platform designed for hosts who want to showcase their spaces online and manage their bussiness related to property rentals. Unlike other website builders, Getaway is laser focused on providing tools for accommodsation providers to easily build their property listing websites, as well as manage any business related activities from within one place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Become an Early Adopter

We're looking for early adopters who would join our platform and help us shape the future of Getaway.

Are you renting property or properties and looking for a way to build or extend your online presence? Or maybe just looking for a better way to manage your bookings? Sounds like we might be a match!

  • Be the first to experience Getaway
    Be among the first to experience the platform's features and tools, providing valuable feedback that will shape its development.
  • Free while in Beta
    Getaway is currently in beta, which means you will get all the features and tools for free while we are in development.
  • Early Adopter Discount
    Every early adopter will get a discount when we are out of beta and the platform is available to the public.
  • Get a head start
    Get a head start on your competitors by building your online presence and managing your bookings on Getaway.
  • Input into Development
    Have the opportunity to provide input into the development of the platform, ensuring that it meets the needs of you and your guests.
  • Be part of something new
    Be part of something new and innovative in the world of hosting and rental, and shape the future of the industry.